Sex Crimes

Sex Crimes Attorneys in Harrisburg, PA 

Experienced Defense Against Sex Crime Charges in Pennsylvania

Few charges are as harmful to a person’s reputation as a sex crime. An allegation alone can almost instantly tarnish a person’s good name, and a conviction can make it virtually impossible to carry out a healthy, successful life. If you were arrested for a sex crime, it is crucial that you immediately begin building a strong case in protection of your future. At the Dorward Law Firm, our Harrisburg sex crime lawyer is here to help you.

Schedule a free consultation about your sex crime case. Dial (717) 429-0411 or contact our firm online to begin planning your defense.

Types of Sex Crimes in Pennsylvania

Any time a person is forced to engage in a sexual act, it can be charged as a sex crime, though the definition is loose. A conviction of indecent exposure, for example, could result in that person having to register as a sex offender. No matter how mild the charge you face may be, it is crucial that you have help from an experienced Harrisburg lawyer who can help you.

The Dorward Law Firm can work with you to defend against crimes such as:

  • Sexual assault - Any physical contact of a sexual nature that happens without consent of the victim
  • Prostitution - Having Sex in exchange for monetary compensation
  • Solicitation - Hiring someone to engage in a sexual activity
  • Rape - Engaging in sexual intercourse by forcible compulsion, by threatening force, or with someone who is unable to consent

Sex Offender Registry in Pennsylvania

A sex offender registry is an online database that contains your name, age, distinguishing characteristics, and crime that you have been convicted of, ensuring compliance with the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) and commonly referred to as "Megan's Law." Users can search the registry by county, city, zip code, distance from an address, and name of offender. The Pennsylvania State Police even now offer email notifications to the public that make address change, employment, and educational information instantly available. 

Defenses Against Violent Crime Charges

In the United States, each person is considered innocent until proven guilty. While your prosecutors may use many different reasons to emphasize why you should be put away, the Dorward Law Firm can help to tell your side of the story and maximize your chances at a favorable outcome.

We may be able to help prove that:

  • The accuser gave their consent: In cases of assault or rape, people sometimes feel differently about a situation after it passes. We can work to demonstrate that you did not force them into anything.
  • You were not present at the scene of the crime: With DNA testing and other evidence, we may be able to help you prove that you could not have been the person to commit this crime.
  • Your accuser is not credible: Often times, our clients have retaliation scenarios that result in unlawful arrest because of dishonesty and lying on behalf of the accuser. We will make sure any and all credibility issues are brought to the surface.

In all legal situations, time is key. Call the Dorward Law Firm now and schedule your free consultation. With the right planning, we may be able to negotiate a plea deal to help you avoid harsh sentencing.

Facing charges for sexual assault? Call (717) 429-0411 now to start your defense.

Experience You Can Count On

  • Charges Dismissed 2nd Offense DUI
  • Charges Dismissed Driving Under Suspension DUI Related
  • Charges Dismissed DUI Charges for CDL driver
  • Charges Dismissed Felony Drug
  • Success on Appeal Homicide by Vehicle While DUI

What Makes Us Different?

  • We are specifically trained in DUI defense. Visit our bio to learn more!
  • We offer payment plans for your convenience.
  • Over 10 years of legal experience defending the accused.
  • We make ourselves available whenever you need us.